Thursday, July 28, 2005

Julie's book list

Another way I like to follow in Oprah's footsteps is by encouraging people to read. I believe that reading and education is essential in living your best life. I am currently reading the following book...What is by your bedside? Let me know your recommendations!

John Adams, by David McCullough
A very approachable biography on this great Father of our country and Second President. I met Mr. McCullough in June at a lecture series in Seattle. Two of his biographies have earned him the Pulitzer Prize. He is an adoring, 72 year old man, who is an excellent storyteller and he has such passion for teaching and telling history. My children are going to be reading his books for their history studies. Living books are so much more preferable to text books.


Chickadeeva said...

Next to my bedside is

Desiring God - John Piper
Collective Poems of Robert Service

But, I listen to audio books mostly. I'm doing a session on American Constitutional history which goes over what I was too distracted in the fifth grade to retain!

elisa said...

Okay on the floor next to my bed you will find, umm, a few decorating magizines, French Woman Don't Get Fat By What's-Her-Name (I'm too lazy to get off my fat American caboose to check her name) and The Ragamuffin Gospel by Brennan Manning Which is a great book. Rick is on his second time through. I'm still working on my first however.