Tuesday, September 13, 2005


We all have such potential...Even though we can appear quite rough around the edges.


Chickadeeva said...

And God Bless Julie for having the willingness to love these flowers in whatever their state. She is that way as a friend, and it is a testament to God's faithfulness.

Mom2the6Rs said...

Oh, My!! Thank you, beloved! I think I see in the closed sunflower my own image. I am hoping to open up into something finally worth the wait and the care that Messiah has put into me.

Chickadeeva said...

I know this will happen - as He is also faithful to Finish what he Started. And my - what a great start He has in YOU!

Bickler3 said...

You are already worth the wait..and I cant imagine you any better than you are now...it's simply not possible....

Chickadeeva said...

Gosh...I guess that makes my compliment seem like an insult now? :-)

Bickler3 said...

Oh please....It does not !

Mom2the6Rs said...

Oh, you two!! I know that I could be a better friend to both of you than I am....I don't give all that I could. At the core, I am as selfish as any and as needy for the Grace of God as the rest of the population. That being said, I am glad that you feel loved. Even in my unperfect way!
