Monday, November 07, 2005

The Giving Heart of a Child

I was so moved by Rebecca's heart of faith and generosity yesterday at church. She made this envelope, filled it with change, addressed it to it's proper recipient and asked me to put it in the offering....May I come to him with the heart of a child today! I bet it gave the person who counts the offering a smile! That's my girl!


Kristina said...

Children do as they see their parents doing. :~)
But doesn't it bless you to see them giving with such a sweet spirit? Not grudgingly, but happily.

Chickadeeva said...

A cheerful giver is such a blessing. If it is money, or just doing something small that puts you out of your way a bit - when it is done cheerfully, it is lovely! I'm excited that Becca, while motivated by money, is also enthusiasic about giving it. Well done good and faithful parents.