Thursday, December 14, 2006

I cleaned my office...

In honor of the holidays and my sock party, I finally got around to cleaning up my office space, the eyesore of our lovely home. I am not the best housekeeper on the planet and I have a hard time keeping my world under control. I always seem to be reinventing the wheel. Always trying to reorganize in a way that works with how I am wired. Sometimes my ideas work and sometimes they crumble apart...only time will tell. Hopefully I have instituted some strategies to keep my area under control. Pray for me...


Chickadeeva said...

It looks awesome honey! I wish I could have been at the sock party to admire it in person!

elisa said...

"I always seem to be reinventing the wheel."
Me too.
Your ofice looks great.

Chickadeeva said...

New Post! New Post!