Monday, October 03, 2005

PWO Guest Appearence: Jenny Vanhoff "Blogfest"

I would like to post an insightful blog written by my kindred spirit, Jenny Vanhoff. Her blog is on my right sidebar. It is worth visiting regularly.


by Jenny Vanhoff

Okay- I was thinking about this whole blog concept and it dawns on me that the idea of writing down a bunch of personal thoughts and sharing them with the entire world is a relatively new concept. Remember when good old fashioned diaries were popular. You know the kind with LOCKS on them! Somehow the very fact that they came with a lock seemed to indicate an elevated sense of intrigue and mystery. But today those days are long gone. No more mystery or locks on our journals. Now we post our thoughts in cyberspace for all to read if they feel so inclined. I find this fascinating and at the same time slightly disturbing! I guess it can be viewed as a part of the reality TV craze. You jump on the internet and start reading someones blog and the next thing you know you are part of their life in a small way. For instance I am currently reading about a couple that is in China right now picking up their sweet daughter Gwen. Karen and Scott are a very nice couple that are adopting their first baby as I type this. I have seen Karen in videos that she has posted on her blog and I feel like I know her. It is as if I could call her up and say hey there Karen how is Gwen and how did your kitty do while you were gone? BTW- I love the cute outfit you brought her home in and I just think your family is so cute. Now, the interesting thing is I have never met this woman. She could consider me a crazy stalker or something, but in my head we are great acquaintances! See the power of the internet. Amazing! The very fact that I am writing this for an audience and the very fact that you are reading it are also simply amazing. Gone are the days of jotting down a few words in a sacred book that is locked and then hidden to protect the deepest most intimate spaces of our souls from uninvited onlookers. We have arrived in the information age and it is here we bare our naked blogging souls proudly. But you still don't know what I write in my diary!

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