Inspiration....I often am moved purely by inspiration. Obligation is also a factor that gets me going in a productive direction, but I much prefer inspiration to be the catalyst. How about you?
Here are some things that inspire me to live my best life.
Great People. In this list, I would include those around me that I see everyday, such as my husband, my girlfriends, my church family. I also look to the well known "greats", such as Mother Teresa, Oprah, MLK Jr.,
Mattie Stepanek .
Great Works and Creativity. Bach, Van Gogh, Jane Austin, Da Vinci, and yes, even Bill Gates, inspire me with what they have created. Inventors, organizers of great systems, artists, this group of people inspire me to realize that there are no limits. Mankind is an amazing creation that can create amazing things. I am driven to try harder, explore my natural giftings, make time for creativity to flourish in my day. Put down the laundry and write. Have the kids load the dishwasher and play my flute.
Tragedy. This inspires me to give, sacrifice, empathize, walk in the shoes of my fellow man, and to make a difference in the lives of the hurting, disappointed and the shattered. I feel like I have an ability to function well in a trauma, seeing the needs of others, and keeping a cool head. I know I can really shine during tragic times and I am often looking to fulfill such needs for people. We are all human, we all hurt, and we can give comfort because we ourselves have been comforted by him who created such a blessed way of coping with the worst days of our lives.
Examples, bad and good. These inspire me to embrace or about face(sorry for the rhyme). I have never been one that has to goof a thing up on my own to get the point of a matter. I can learn from the mistakes of others. I can also learn from the successes of others. I can glean their "tips" and "tricks" in accomplishing a tough task. I love picking people's brains for how they make it all happen in their lives and I love reading the personal stories of great overcomers.
Books. What can I say about books? I feel like they are the air that I breathe, a lot of the times. If I had the time, and was unemployed and not needed by 5 beautiful, highly demanding children, I would be reading my way through the library at least 6 hours a day. And I love to be read to. Audio books are my new candy. I download them to my ipod and as I work out at the Y, some talented actor is reading to me, bringing the story to life. Weather it is information or imagination, a book is my best friend.
The Mirror. This inspires me to change the most. I just read a book about a man who was in a drug rehab place. He had such a struggle looking at himself in the eyes. He could look at every other part of his face, but he always stopped at his lower lashes. He was filled with shame. I feel like if you can truly stare at your own soul through your eyes in a mirror, you can learn a lot about yourself. If you quiet your mind and your thoughts long enough to gaze at the truth of who you are, you will run and hide, or embrace a new path, or rejoice at where you have come. We have to be honest with ourselves. I am not a good liar, accept when it comes to myself.
So...Your turn...What inspires you to live you best life?