Monday, January 19, 2009

Two months....oh well.

Okay, so my boasting self declared new activity to be had on this blog but life has kept me from, well, MY LIFE! Ha! I am not whining. No. I am totally enjoying this thrill ride the Lord has me on. I get to hang out with some amazing young adults at HOP (House of Paine) each Tuesday night, as well as meet with different ones here and there as need arises, and boy does it ever arise! I also get to homeschool my 5 treasures! Oh my! What amazing young people they are. I made a book with my images and poetry/prose about them on I am very proud of it and of them. You can see the first 15 pages of it here.

I am taking care of Millie 3 mornings and 1 evening a week. Millie has mild dementia and needs help with meals and medication. My time with her is like an island of peace in my world. Selah.

I am playing flute and helping to lead worship at our church, Allen Creek Community Center. This makes me feel truly whole. When I am not involved in music in some capacity, especially worship, I feel a bit empty, a bit disjointed, like I left my left ear in the bathroom accidentally.

Hmmm, what else. Oh ya! I am married! He monopolizes my time quite a bit, thank the Lord! So please forgive me for being a two month slacker! Love you all.
