Monday, May 22, 2006

My new headshot

I am trying to put a new profile pic on, but blogger is not cooperating. This was taken at the Spring Hurrah! A celebration of 18 weeks of hard weight loss work. What a great time we had! Check out more pics here.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

My Big Man is 12 today!

Oh, my heart cannot take the pride that swells up inside when I consider this grand boy God has given to me. He is so terrific and so much a part of who I am and who I have become. He was the test pilot for my flight through motherhood. How fitting, that every so many years, his birthday falls on Mother's day!

Happiest of birthdays to you, my sweet boy. You are indeed my big man, now. Growing up right before my very eyes....What a delight you are to my soul. May this year be filled with wonderful things and great experiences.

All my love, Mom.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Not de ja vu

I know I already posted about our new laundry room, but Friday night, we finished the final cupboard and I wanted to show you all the finished, finished product. I now have a nifty corner unit to hang clothes and I have green bins for even more storage. I am happy to report that these bins are currently empty! Also, all of the garbage bags full of clothes are out of my attic and other closets, sorted and put away in the bins. This is currently one of my favorite places in my home, and no wonder, it is clean, organized, decluttered and it makes for a managable laundry experience. Come on over and see it in person.