Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

Our Love
by Julie Paine

Our Love started in the heart of God
He knit us together, in our mother’s wombs
Our sweet mothers roamed the Earth,
Going to pre-natals at the same time,
In different states

My mom hated her doctor
He made her eat practically nothing
And natural breast feeding was never even discussed

Blake’s mom had a kinder experience
And she never considered NOT feeding her son
The way God intended

We grew up in the 70s
We discovered who we were in the 80s
We fell in love in the 90s
We married in my hometown church

We have lived in seven different homes
We have gone to ten different churches
Helped to start one of them
We were even on staff

With every home we have lived in
Excluding our first and our most recent
We have welcomed a new child into the world
7-2 = 5 children

We have been in love for over 15 years
We have been soul mates for just under 15 years
We have been parents for just under 14 years
We had no time alone before a little one showed up


But no regrets
We love our children with our lives
We home school them, we cherish them
We count them as our treasures above all treasures

Our love has grown
It has ebbed and flowed
It has accelerated and run out of gas

Our love has recreated us
Our intentions
Our dreams and desires
Our view of ourselves

We no longer live for just us
Or for our parents
Our peer groups
Our country

We live for one another
For our God
For our children
For our community as a whole

We have been institutionalized
We have been legalized
We have been galvanized
We have become super sized

I am just discovering
The soul of our marriage
I am learning how to make deposits
I am learning when to make withdrawals

Always building
Building this love
This masterpiece we were born to build

This is our love
This is our life
This is only the table of contents
So to speak.....

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Blake's beautiful personalizing of the Lord's Prayer

My Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
HaShem*, Supernal God. Transcendent, revealed, known-yet altogether different.

Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
May my very being resonate clearly with You and from that flow freely in my speech, thoughts and actions. May the mundane activities of daily life become heavenly experiences. Moments that flow into other moments all incarnate with Christ in me.

Give us this day our daily bread
My very existence depends on Your desire to sustain me. With every event that transpires today may I have presence of mind body and spirit. Grant me the ongoing desire to know You and be known by You.

and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us
As I falter in my efforts and fall short of Your will, be gracious with me. I beg for Your continued mercy and hope that I might show that kind of mercy to others. I expect that others will disappoint and even offend me. Help me to respond to them in a way consistent with Your grace. My identity is in You, not in the responses of others. My being is in You. I am not what I do for a living. I am not what I drive or wear. I am not my accomplishments. I am me and that is ok. That is enough. Grant me clarity, give me focus.

lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil
As the deceiver and manipulator goes about his business, protect me and those I love from his exploits. If we get off the path, lead us back to You.

for You are the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever.
You are Ultimate Reality. You are the King of my life. In You resides all power. I bow before You and live to see Your glory manifest and Your name restored to its rightful place of honor. Blessed be Your name Hashem, God of the universe.

*Hashem is Hebrew for “The Name”