Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Happy Birthday, Reese!

I am four today!
Tickles from Daddy!
My new ride!

I can open my present from Nana and Papa now! Whoopee!
This is just what I always dreamed of....lots of presents for me!

A new Bible from sister Rebecca.
It's great to have sisters who help a fella on with his gear.

My Aunt Danna gave me a wallet with some money inside...time to buy some more candy!

Putting sticker decals on with big brother. Now I have a Superman Trike.

Playing Hullabaloo with the family.

Me and my sweet boy. I love you to bits, Reese. Happy birthday!

Reese opening his Grandparent's birthday gifts!

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Our Wacky weather!!!

Here is the temperature for last Thursday, February 28th and some photos I took that day: 33F

Now here is the temperature for today, March 6th (just 6 days after): 70F

Playing badmitton in shorts on the lawn...amazing.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Some fun shots of our snorkeling adventures on Maui! Warning: First time undersea photo shoot...

Achillies Tang

Moorish Idol
Yellow tang

A special visit with my Grandma!

My sweet Grandma Phyllis treated me to a birthday lunch and shoe shopping spree today. We had a fantastic time. I told her that she is my "only" grandma and I am so glad she is still here to love on me! She has a green thumb and has nursed this orchid back to bloom over and over again. It currently has 10 blooms on it!