Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Happy Birthday, Reese!

I am four today!
Tickles from Daddy!
My new ride!

I can open my present from Nana and Papa now! Whoopee!
This is just what I always dreamed of....lots of presents for me!

A new Bible from sister Rebecca.
It's great to have sisters who help a fella on with his gear.

My Aunt Danna gave me a wallet with some money inside...time to buy some more candy!

Putting sticker decals on with big brother. Now I have a Superman Trike.

Playing Hullabaloo with the family.

Me and my sweet boy. I love you to bits, Reese. Happy birthday!


Kristina said...

Hey, I dig your new ride Reese!
Happiest of birthday big guy!
I love you lots and lots!!

Auntie Kristina

Chickadeeva said...

Its so fun - whenever you pull out the camera at your house - you have a built in party crowd!

Your baby is four! Wow!

You are such a good mommy and he's a lucky boy!