Monday, November 14, 2011

Time to blog again

Hello blog world. It's me. I've been gone a long time. I think I have a little space for you in my life now. I have some quiet moments while my sweet Millie is sleeping and that's about it, but lets see if I can gracefully reenter your world again. I need to keep my memories and thoughts and experiences written down because my memory is just not as awesome as it has been in the past. In fact, my time perception is so rotten, I'm a little freaked out by it. When was that? When did that happen? Oh, some time in the past...a day, a week, a month, a month of weeks...grrrr.

So what's new? Well, I am working full time as a live in caregiver for a sweet 91 year old with dementia. Millie and I have been together for 3 plus years and it's just a perfect match! She used to live 7 minutes from my home, but now lives 97 minutes away, so I stay three nights a week and care for her four days and then I'm back to my busy household in Marysville where I mother six children and love on my husband of 18 1/2 years. The aforementioned husband is a furniture maker, a stay at home dad, and a part time volunteer staff member of our church. I have a senior and sophomore in public high school (this after 10 years of homeschooling), a middle schooler, two in elementary and one 24 month old surprise package known as Revellie.

I have a photography business on the side and I am enjoying exploring that creative side of me. I am totally loving theology right now and would love to go to seminary one day and become a chaplain and/or an author of books on living the Christian life.  I play flute at church, sing and help with our compassion ministries. I really have a heart for the persecuted church and for the orphan and widow problem in our world.

I am almost 42 (as old as Sesame Street, apparently) and I am on a quest to retrieve my health that was hijacked from me from our little wake-up-call that showed up after her mother had lost 90 pounds. I am forever grateful to the Lord for this new life in our world and I would not be the woman I am today if it wasn't for her unintended arrival. I would just like to be "less" of that woman in some respects, if you know what I mean.

So I am back. I am really praying that I don't return to this post in six months and find it alone, without any follow up, showing a life of good intentions not quite realized. But I have high hopes for some really good writing to be put down here. Come along for the journey if you'd like, I'd appreciate the company.

1 comment:

Blake Paine said...

Yay Jules! You are someone worth listening to.