Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Julie's dream, to be the Poor White Oprah (and what that means)!

Ok, I admit it. I am a true Oprah fan...and what do I like most about Oprah? I think she has figured out how to use her life, her time, her talents, and yes...her MONEY, to bless people and help them in ways no one else has even dreamed of doing. Yes, I know some would say she has a flimsy, self-created faith/spiritual philosophy and yes, I know that she has a staff of people who help her shine, but she has chosen to use her amazing life and influence to make our world a better place, especially for women. I admire her greatly and I would like to consider myself one of her disciples...I would like to be known as Julie Paine, the Poor White Oprah.

I know I am freaking some of you out...but I want to use this blog to reach some of my goals. I know that I can make a difference in the lives of others and I want to inspire others to do the same, to "live their best life", as my rich black hero says. So join me here, give me your input, and lets have an aha-moment or two together!


bodiski said...

Julie, you may not be "rich" financially, but in the ways that really count you are so rich. You are rich in faith, family, friends and love. You are rich in the warmth and openness that you share with everyone around you. Others are richer just for knowing you. Oprah may have more money than you but she will never have children and the incredible job of being a Mom. Mom (Jodie)

Chickadeeva said...

Yeah, what SHE said! Like I mentioned on the phone with you earlier, I just don't like the association of 'poor' with you. I think you are so humble. If you consider yourself poor then GOODNESS - may I be as poor as thee.