Friday, April 28, 2006

Invisible Children

Is there such a thing as an invisible child? Well, those in the Pro-life movement believe so, those in the foster care system believe so, those in the social work system believe so, even those in the public school system believe so. These are kids who don't have a name, a face, a place in the public mind and heart. These are the kids that those of us who have children and cherish them with all our hearts cannot wrap our minds around the possibility that they exist...Who would treat a child this way? Who would not value their lives and fight with all that they have to keep them safe, secure and provided for?

Today, I want to ask you for both your patience and your attention as I try to introduce you to a group of Invisible Children that have been invisible now for over a decade. These children were recently featured on the Oprah show. I watched this program just two days ago, cried through it, and told Blake we just had to see it together. We sat up until midnight, watching, crying, shaking our heads, and marveling at the state of these children of Northern Uganda. Imagine your child being in danger of abduction every night of their lives. Imagine your children having to take a nightly walk to a "safe place", away from home, to sleep with hundreds, even thousands of other children. It is happening now. As I write this. In Africa. To our human family.

Three young men went to Uganda in 2003 and made this amazing movie. They came home wanting to do more than just film a movie, they wanted to remember the children and give a name and a face to their invisibility. They are heros and they are creative geniuses who not only talk about effecting change, but they do what they set out to do. Now 30 others have joined them, given up 23 months to travel in RVs, and screen this movie for others.

Please go to this website, Invisible Children, when you have at least 15 minutes to devote to it. I promise you it will touch your heart. Blake and a couple of our kids and I are going to sleep out at Greenlake Park tomorrow for the Global Night Commute. We hope to help raise awareness and bring the plight of these children and their families to the nation's attention.

And don't miss this page of video clips. They are unbelievable. My favorite is the Musical with a meaning. It made me cry, just the creativity they are throwing at this thing. I want to be apart of such creative passion.

Thanks for your time. Love to all. Jules


coffeemamma said...

We have a former "Invisible Child" living in our neighbourhood. I don't know if you've ever heard of Ryan Hreljac ( and his penpal Jimmy Akana (they have appeared on Oprah, among other shows); Jimmy was an Invisible Child who eventually made his way to Canada and has been adopted by Ryan's family. It is truly one of the most heartbreaking stories I've ever heard. Jimmy and Ryan are now doing everything they can to bring attention to what is happening to these children.

Bickler3 said...

I SAW YOU ON T.V !!! Your famous!! WHOOO hOOO !! I can say I knew you when!!

Chickadeeva said...

We are going to host a house party in Capital hill in late May or early June. We are excited to participate!