Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Our new train table

I found this amazing table at Costco last night and I used some of my photography money to get it for Reese and the others...Blake, bless his heart, stayed up till 12:30 putting it together so it would be ready when they all woke up last night. Reese refused to eat breakfast this AM until he had played and played with "Thomas". I have been pricing these tables, mostly the Brio ones, and this was such a bargain!! So bring your little ones over and lets play trains!


Bickler3 said...

OH, HOW FUN ! your house always has the coolest stuff !! NO WONDER ALL THE KIDS LOVE IT AT HE PAINES!

Chickadeeva said...

How do those trains taste Reese?

Karen said...

And your kids wake up at night to play?

Wow. Great mom. I make my kids go back to sleep!

elisa said...

These tables are a lot of fun. We received the white colored model a few years ago from Costco as Christmas gift from Grandma. It didn't come with as many cool accessories though!