Friday, August 12, 2005

Rebecca Stands Alone (PWO Celebrity Profile)

Photo by Julie Paine

Out of all my kids, Becca is the one that I least worry about making it in this big, sometimes scary world. She has this amazing ability to stand alone. She is like a wireless device. Able to function without being connected directly to any power source. We call her the family generator. When she is gone, spending the night with one of her 100 friends, the house is so quiet. It is not even that she is loud...She is just a buzz of energy. She is a force to be reckoned with. She is like the sun. Glowing, sometimes extremely hot and passionate, but ultimately holding many things together in her orbit.

I do worry about her stopping to smell the roses. Blinking too fast and missing the simple pleasures. I worry that she will only see her circle of life and miss out on intercepting with the lives of others in deep and self-sacrificing ways. I worry that no one will be able to capture her heart long enough for her to forget about Becca and her dreams, and maybe make the adjustments needed to blend her life with another.

She is just so capable. And she expects so much of herself. She can't quite understand when she lets herself down...She can't quite accept defeat or personal mistakes with the grace she needs to be truly flexible and pliable. She is a bit her Dad, a bit her Grandfather, a bit her Grandmother. She is so "other" than me...Did she really come from my body? Yes, she did. And I will probably discover later in life, that she is more like me than I realize.

One of the many amazing things that I just love about Rebecca is that she still needs me. This independent, capable, stand alone girl desperately needs her mom and I am so willing and grateful to be there for her. Watching her grow into a young lady will be a delight. I feel sometimes that I am observing the expert at work. The girl who can take this growing up thing by the horns and tame it and perfect it and be like Pecos Bill, riding his tornado into adult town without a broken bone or even a bruise. She is a bit hero-esque...A girl born to do and be all that is great and wonderful. Oh, and did I mention she was mine? Excuse my pride, for just a moment, but she is one amazing little person, and I am in awe that I had anything to do with her existence.

1 comment:

Chickadeeva said...

I've always appreciated Rebecca's way of sliding in and out of circumstances with her head held a little high - not out of aloofness - NO! But rather out of a desire to keep all opportunities, all vistas, available to her eye should she decide to puruse them. Rebecca is a beautiful young lady and I'm proud to know her!