Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Sonja update

I am Sonja's older sister, Kristina, and I would like to let you know how she is doing. I spoke with her for the first time yesterday, since she had entered the Women's center. As she had just come out of her two week, "blackout" period. We had a fifteen minute phone call, as was her allotted time. And I am happy to let everyone know, that she is doing excellent! She hadn't sounded this happy in years, literally. I can sense already a dramatic change in her, like she has already experienced major break-throughs. I know that God is at work within her. I will be able to visit her this coming Sunday, as she gets to have visitors every other weekend.

I would personally like to thank everyone who has prayed for Sonja, and who have given of their finances to help support her. Please be assured that her life is being transformed, and that we are deeply appreciative of everyone's help! With warmest regards, Kristina.


Mom2the6Rs said...

Yippee Sonja!! Way to go babe! We are pulling for you and praying too! Love the Paine Clan!

elisa said...

Good to hear Sonja is doing well!! May the Lord continue to shower his mercies on her life.

Chickadeeva said...

I'm so glad to hear it! I have no doubt Sonja is bigger than this problem, and God is bigger than us all :-)