Monday, September 19, 2005

Boy at the Sea

Grandma Jodie took this sweet photo of Riley on Whidbey Island. I used my software to make it look like an impressionist painting. Click on the photo to see the full size, it is really something! How is everyone doing this week? Ready to make a difference in those around you? Or are you feeling a little blue, maybe even visiting the land of self-pity? I always find that the best remedy for this has two parts: First, I tell my husband and my children that my love tank is a little low, requesting that they fill it up with extra attention. Second, I try to do something for someone else. I look beyond my own little troubles and use my skills and talents and listening ear, lending to another and in no time at all, it seems, I am transported out of my funk and into a place that is so sweet.

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