Monday, September 26, 2005

RaeElise Is Turning 5 This Week

What a little beauty! What a little gem! I just love this child. She is the light of my life. There is a brilliance and a warmth that radiates from her. It is hard not to melt at her gaze and blush at her constant affections. She has many nicknames...Dolly Toots, Sweetie petitie, Sunshine Flashlight, Rae Rae...We all just love her and wish her the happiest birthday ever! If you have a message for RaeElise, please leave it here and I will read them to her.


Chickadeeva said...

Ma cherie!

Je suis si fier de toi! Tu est si jolie, comme ton nom. Je suis contente d'etre ta marraine.

Je serais la pour ton anniversaire!

A bientot,

Marraine Elicia

Bickler3 said...

Rae Rae!!
Happy Birthday !! I cant beleive you are 5 already !! We love you and hope you have the greatest birthday ever!!