Tuesday, November 29, 2005
The Waterbed from You-Know-Where...
If you have ever been tempted to try out a waterbed at a department store, please watch this first before you do!
First Candy Cane of the Season
Take care of yourselves during this busy time. Take moments out amongst the busyness to savor the flavors of the holiday. Don't allow the bills and the crazy schedule to rob from you these simple joys. Make a conscious effort to slow down a bit and have a cup of warm egg nog or a pumpkin spice latte. Kiss your babies, give your man a 30 second hug before he leaves for the day.
Smell the evergreens and touch all that glitters and shimmers and calls out the little child still hidden in your soul. Sit in the dark of your living room with only the lights of your tree glimmering. Write a special someone a personal note and stop to hold the door for the busy stranger behind you at the post office.
Hire a sitter and go shopping with your loved one, remembering to sit at a Starbucks and talk of the intimate endearments you hold for them. Be filled with the love of the Savior and spill that love forth onto all whom you meet. And for goodness sakes, eat a few candy canes along the way!
Monday, November 28, 2005
New Blog
Poor White Oprah has a new question/answer forum blog "Answer Me This". You can answer questions and share your opinions anonymously. I thought it would be a great way to share how we live our lives and how we make decisions from the ordinary to the sublime. I may have some questions on there that are adult in nature, being that I am an adult...
Saturday, November 26, 2005
And We All Thought They Didn't Know The Recipe!
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
The Big Yellow House
Jack Johnson Video
Jack Johnson is one of my favorite artists. Even if you have never heard his music, this video will trip you out. How did they do this???
Monday, November 21, 2005
Kindness: the virtue of the man whose Neighbor's good is as dear to him as his own.
Five Characteristics of Kindness (by Steve Shertzinger)
1. Be Sensitive: "Do not be interested only in your own life, but be interested in the lives of others." Phil 2:4
2. Be Supportive: ..Healing words give us life.. Proverbs 15:4
The upright speak what is helpful. Proverbs:10:32
If God gave you a dollar for every kind word you said and took away a dollar for every unkind word you said, would you be rich or poor?
3. Be Sympathetic: Rejoice with those who rejoice, mourn with those who mourn. Romans 12:15
Strong people are not afraid to show emotion.
4. Be Straitforward: Wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses. Proverbs 27:6
Sometimes kindness means being truthful even though it hurts.
5. Be Spontaneous: Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people. Gal. 6:10
When it comes to kindness, good intentions don't count.
The number one enemy of kindness is busyness.
Friday, November 18, 2005
Rebecca's Living Dolly
Okay, I have always claimed that Becca does not like to play with dolls, that she is the doll. She loves to dress herself, accesorize herself, etc. Well, I think we have finally found the ultimate dolly for Becca. You cannot purchase this one in the stores. Costco does not carry it for a discounted price. It is the limited addition "Reesie Piecie" , or as Becca calls him "Susie". So, meet our Susie. Let's hope this is all fun and it doesn't carry into his post-puberty phase.
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Hat Head
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Pushing Limits
Today, I felt like I was pushing limits. I pushed every limit I could. This limit pushing did not come as a desire, but out of necessity, or at least the perception of necessity. First of all, I had to get Riley to school by 9 AM. We arrived at 9:18. Then I helped a lady stuck on the side of the road, pushing the limit of kindness and risk. I chose wisely and it was a blessing on both ends.
Blake was supposed to leave for work at about 11:15 this morning, I arrived home at 10:58...Again, pushing the limits, but not exceeding. Felt good. Next, I am found pushing the limits of a friendship by asking Ruthie if she would be willing to pick Riley up from school for a play date with Ez. This would allow me to visit a friend who just had her first baby and bring her food. That limit, pushed upon a dear friend, proved not too frail, and all were happy.(especially the boys)
Now for more limits. Are you still with me? Warning, they might be limitless...Ha, ha...Okay, the next limit pushed was the limit of my sister's patience as she waited for me and 4 of my children to show up at Belle Square for a Build a Bear party. Aidan had pushed the limit of his fourth year of life into the fifth year today. Happy big 5, my little guy! I was hoping to get to BAB around 12:30, but alas...It was more like 12:49ish. Then I put a limit on myself...To make it to Sarah's in time with dinner, I would need to leave the mall by 3:30, 3:45 tops..Right? Well, another limit came and went as I pulled out of the stuffed concrete garage at 4:12. "Snap!" (My kids' swear word of choice.)
As we are piling into the van, I realize that I have pushed the limit of my gas tank to fumes...Have you ever tried to find a gas station in downtown Bellevue? They don't exist. I found one, finally, and we were on our way. Now, I must tell you, the limit I was most hoping to push, even break if possible, was the speed limit. But, it being after 4 pm, as soon as I hit certain spots on the marvelous, rightly underrated 405, not only was I unable to do such illegalities, but I was creeping along with all the other limit pushers.
Making it to Sarah's, after a brief stop at Panda's for the family feast (a great deal at $25, BTW), and a stop at Fred Meyers for Peach Oatmeal(nursing mother's request...Go figure), I was forced to push yet another limit....Well several all at once. Ok...I have to be in Marysville to LEAD my JV group in AWANA club at 6:30 while first driving to Lake Stevens to pick up Riley and Ez. It was now 5:40 and I haven't even held that baby yet...Or taken a picture....Better push it, better linger a bit longer. Give this new mother the gift of googling over her prize possession...Okay, now all the kids want to held said baby.
Well, I am sure by now you know what is coming...I left Sarah's at 6:04, got to Ruthie's at 6:32 and then to AWANAs at 7:09. The limit I am thankful that I did not push was the limit of my AWANA commander. I thought that I might be fired on the spot, but she was all smiles in her cute new hairdo and very forgiving.
And now that I have pushed all my avid reader's limits by the shear length of this post. I will sign off...I am, after all, at my limit. As an aside, I remember learning in Mr. Davina's Algebra class that a limit was + or - 3 (ex. the limit of 9 is 6 or 12)...I should never have learned this. I am always living life on the edge, expecting this mathematical field of grace to overshadow all that I do. I guess, in some respects, it has made me a little more flexible when it comes to other's who push my personal limits...If for only that reason, I will now thank God for this limit pushing thing and regard it as a blessing instead of a curse. Although I don't think it is kind on my blood pressure.
Sunday, November 13, 2005
Grandpa Ivie, gone to Heaven at 87...
Sorry for my absence on the blog...We were in Klamath Falls, Oregon, to say goodbye to Blake's Grandpa Drexel Ivie. He was Jodie's father. Pictured above is 6 of his grandchildren as pallbearers and his son, Rick Ivie. It was a small service, with only family members attending, and we all let balloons go with messages to Grandpa. It was beautiful. Grandpa led a full life and was so loved by all. We will miss his smile, his sweet ways, and his generosity. Goodbye Grandpa...
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Monday, November 07, 2005
The Giving Heart of a Child
I was so moved by Rebecca's heart of faith and generosity yesterday at church. She made this envelope, filled it with change, addressed it to it's proper recipient and asked me to put it in the offering....May I come to him with the heart of a child today! I bet it gave the person who counts the offering a smile! That's my girl!
Sunday, November 06, 2005
Who are your heros?
After the last post, I was thinking about heros. I would love to hear from you all, who you admire from the past, or who may inspire you today. And we know that the Big Man and His Son rank at the top...But who else is there that amazes you and encourages you to live your best life? Have you come across anyone in recent reading or in the newspaper? Have your kids written a report about someone that you never knew was so worthwhile to study? I will read some of your comments and then share with you the heros in my life.
Can I be a great person?
Everybody can be great... Because anybody can serve. You don't have to have a college degree to serve. You don't have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love.~Martin Luther King Jr.
Friday, November 04, 2005
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Have we lost the thrill of cards in the mail forever? My campaign to get them back
Do you remember the thrill and the bliss of opening your mailbox and finding a card from a friend? A handwritten letter, a thank you note, a birthday card that did not have a URL? I do. In fact, I remember spending my hard earned cash on a box of books from Current magazine and distributing them freely and frequently to girlfriends and grandmothers, the sick and the celebratory. It was a small passion of mine. Now I email someone this cute emoticon or this witty photo and caption. I have loved ones signed up at birthday alarm so that I can email them a card that they have to link to...It saves on postage, and is usually free, but where is the romance, people???? I am starting a campaign within my own life to start sending out the snail mail again. I am going to do it...If I need to follow a 12 step program, I am going to do it!! Now if I can only find my address book...hmmm. Maybe they are all on file somewhere on my C drive.
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Could Halloween be a chance to Bless?
Last night, our family and the Vanhoff's went to the Madeleine Villa nursing home in Marysville. There, our darling crew of Roosters, Cows, Parrots, Princesses and mythical warriors greeted and cheered the elderly and the bedridden and the dementia-fied residents. This photo captures the magic of the exchanges, multiple generations being blessed by one another. Many of the residents "forgot" that they had already given the children treats, so the kids received a double portion for their efforts. We met a woman, Katherine, who was celebrating her 98th birthday. What a treat to see her, talk with her, and learn a little of her life. Reese was absolutely mesmerized by each one he saw. I am sure he identified with all of their "strollers". He would "Cock-a-doodle-doo-doo" and lay eggs for them on cue. They lit up when he came near, and he never once backed away from their touch. At one point in the night, Jenny asked me if I had been preparing him in training sessions before we came, training him in cuteness 101. I just smiled, knowing that God has given my little rooster such gifts. For me, it was all about touching as many of the sweet ladies as I could. I would crouch down low, smile at them and touch their hands or their arms. They all looked me in the eye and smiled, saying they were doing well. Touch is so important. I think we all touched them, in multiple ways, even as they did us last night. Yes, Halloween could be considered a holy day...Any day used to love the children of God is a holy day.